Monday, February 20, 2012

Post-holiday Sales

When I was young and a lot less frugal I used to buy birthday cards at the closest pharmacy, hair care products at my salon, and shop for groceries the day that I needed them. Then I moved out, met FICA, and had to start repaying my student loan. In hindsight, I got smart.

I am now one of those crazy people who go to (insert your favorite retailer) and clean up on after holiday sales. Today I was picking up a prescription at Target and found myself wandering through the 70% off post-Valentine sale aisle. I was tempted to pick up some Dora valentines for next year but figured 45 was a bit much for a will-be two-year old. Thankfully, I was not discouraged because I cleaned up in the candy/home aisle.

I bought a picture frame, candy, and stickers that, since they are pastel and pink colored, will be perfect for a cute little girl's Easter basket. All at 70% off! Good deal!

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