Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slowly but Surely

(114.5 hours and counting)

So I went in to work today, just to dip my feet in.  I am clearly NOT ready for the swam dive yet!  But I figured that I had better test the water so that there are no unexpected surprises next week when I have to actually leave the house on time, show up for work, and be productive.  DAMMIT!

Surprisingly, it was pretty smooth this am.  In fact, my daughter barely noticed that I was leaving.  When I put on my coat, she was playing blissfully in her bouncy seat and eating her hand.  She did keep looking at my dad with a "Why are you at my house?"  kind of look.  At least she wasn't crying... Shouldn't she be crying?

Anyway, I grabbed my bag, dusted off my ID badge and left the house, crying.  I drove the two short blocks to school (there is a snow emergency ok?) and found there were no more spots in the lot.  Super! 

I only lasted 4 hours, but I think that is a good start because my regular school day is about 7 hours.  I am more than half way there; practically to the top of the diving board!

When I came home, said daughter greeted me cheerfully from the window and seemed very excited to see me.  Then she proceeded to fall asleep and take a nap...

Happy Days!

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